
A Film By Masaaki Yuasa
Japan, 2020

In this stunningly animated tale of romance, grief and self-discovery, 19-year-old Hinako, a passionate surfer, meets firefighter, Minato when he rescues her from an apartment fire. They quickly bond and Hinako teaches Minato how to surf. However, tragedy hits when Minato goes surfing during a terrible storm. One day, Hinako realizes that she can summon Minato in any watery surface by singing their song. Maybe they can remain together forever, but maybe they shouldn’t.

From visionary director Masaaki Yuasa, RIDE YOUR WAVE tells a unique love story in a visually masterful way. The bright colors and magical animation truly show the depths of Yuasa’s imagination. The film won Best Animation Feature in the Fantasia, Shanghai, and Sitges International Film Festivals.

Japanese with English Subtitles

Special Events
Food Truck Night!
March 27th @ 7pm

Have dinner and movie! HibachiLou412Food Truck will be outside the theater – so come early, grab some grub, and watch a movie! *Yes, you can take your food into the theater!